If you feel it in your heart to make a
donation to Angel Cakes, every little bit adds up!
Anything you give would help pay for these
special birthday cakes to these precious children.
If you would like to make a donation by
you can contact Cathy Blanton at the e-mail address at the bottom of this page,
If you know about
have an account already set up,
you can make
donations online.
Angel Cakes is
registered and verified with Paypal.
Our PayPal I.D. is
you don't have a PayPal account yet,
click on the logo below to get more information.
Signing up is easy.
It only takes about two minutes
and it is FREE to join!
Any amount you can give would be greatly appreciated!
God bless you and yours!
Donations can also help to pay for
the costs
involved in maintaining this website.
These costs have all been paid for by the Angel Cakes volunteers
since the year 2000.